sun mountain lodge north cascades hotels

Where to stay for North Cascades National Park (14 best)

When it comes to where to stay for North Cascades National Park, it’s actually quite difficult since there are very limited places inside the park boundaries itself besides camping. You have two options for inside the park, which I’ve given below, but otherwise, you can find accommodation both to the east of North Cascades and…

west end vancouver travel guide (6 of 7)

Pros and Cons of Seattle vs Vancouver BC (living & visiting)

Are you planning a trip to the Pacific North West and wondering whether to visit Seattle or Vancouver? Or perhaps you’re trying to weigh up Seattle vs Vancouver as a city to live in? Both Seattle, Washington and Vancouver, British Columbia have a lot to offer and which one you choose to visit might depend…

leavenworth christmas festival

Christmas at Leavenworth 2024

The Leavenworth Christmas Market in Washington State is one of the best Christmas markets in North America that I’ve come across. As a Brit, one thing I miss living in Canada when it comes to Christmas is Christmas markets. Europe does Christmas markets SO well (as you’d expect since they’re from there). The Gothenburg Christmas…